
Without register limetorrents Braid

Imdb id tt4638148 Braid



Cast Sarah Hay, Imogen Waterhouse; 538 Vote; Mitzi Peirone; Duration 1 hours, 22 minute; Info Two wanted women decide to rob their wealthy psychotic friend who lives in the fantasy world they created as children; to take the money they have to take part in a deadly perverse game of make believe; USA. Without register limetorrents brand name.

Without register limetorrents brain injury. Without register limetorrents brand new. Slightly hard to summarize this movie and my reaction on that because the picture includes lots of moments, some of them are examples of what I do not like in horror movies and other show what am I waiting from a good horror and thriller.
So the movie is filled with original beautiful scenes which could be better though - for example, it seems to me that actors were not precisely selected for performing their roles in this movie. Also I have been waiting for some bright scenes like the one shown in trailer, however, it was the only scene in the whole movie drawn in such eccentric colors. Generally, all the scenes which could be marked as good, were shown in trailer and it was very sad that besides these ones I've pointed out just opening and closing titles.
What I've trully unliked - that is elements of plot and thread of story in common. It seems too unnatural, banal and uninteresting so you continue to watch the movie not because you are interested in action happening in front of you, but because of faith in the better moments and a good ending which will present and explain everything in the way which will make you excited and amazed. Unfortunately, the story behind movie keeps the taken shape from the beginning to the end - it is not able to provide user with some shocking methods nor twists.
Finally, I could also accent that this movie could be compared to another one, which have been shown few months earlier - I mean, Suspiria' and as a result of such comparision we could derive some similar things telling us that genre of horror, which is trying to develop itself, just wastes it's power. Both movies, Braid and Suspiria have very weak plot, they are too focused on a particular thing - in Suspiria it was the atmosphere of secret, flying in the air of the old building, and in the case of Braid it is the atmosphere of madness which does not disappear at all, what is too annoying. However, in the same time, Suspiria was much more beautiful and eye-grabbing than Braid, because it applied to a viewer a consistent set of methods making it easier to believe that director tried to create something great and powerful. In Braid many elements from other pictures are randomly mixed up which does not allow to easily answer the question 'Why is this movie unique and worth watching? though in case of Suspiria we could say that it (primarily) is like an old-style horror with more disturbing content than we are already familiar with due to 'ancient' movies.
And as a conclusion, I would like to say that I do not very like what is happening with horror just now - it seems like it tries to expand and find new horizonts but what it is reached in this picture and in other creatures like Suspiria is just borrowing ideas and shapes from previous pictures and from contemporary pictures having other genres. Yes, there are some original ideas but there are few of them. However, it is not as bad as what is happening with movies like 'Conjuring' or 'Lights out' so I would give this movie a mark which is higher the mean value.

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